Benchmarked two VLB cards with 3DBENCH 1.0 and Wolfenstein 3D Timedemo
Monday, October 2, 2017, 07:30 PM
Posted by Administrator
As already expected, a S3 805 video card seems to be faster than a Trident 9400CXI (which is interestingly displayed as 9100 LCD in some tools). This can be easily checked by using two benchmark tools, one which is well known, the other is difficult to get.
3DBENCH from Superscape in Version 1.0 (not 1.0B or 1.0C, but the first one) is suitable for older PCs below Pentium class, so my 486DX4 shows comparable values.
And Wolfenstein 3D in a "timedemo" version (not the activision version !) shows it even more precise - the S3 (the Miro Crystal 10SD) is superior compared to the Trident.
3DBench TRIDENT 9400CXI:

3DBench S3 805 (Miro Crystal 10SD):

Wolfenstein 3D Timedemo TRIDENT 9400CXI:

Wolfenstein 3D Timedemo S3 805 (Miro Crystal 10SD):

Screenshots were done with VTHIEF 0.07, viewed and again grabbed with ST201F.
Btw. meanwhile I replaced the AMD486DX4-100 CPU with an AMD 5x86 (133MHz), this results in 66.6 fps for 3DBench (with the S3 card).
Related link points to download page of 3DBench 1.0...