And another CP/M chess program: MYCHESS 2.3
Friday, September 14, 2018, 02:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
Btw. another strong playing chess program for CP/M is MYCHESS.
The latest version is 2.3(b). It comes with a configuration program (MYCONFIG.COM).
At least you can change the cursor positioning ESC sequence, which makes it possible to place the pieces on the right screen position ;-)
Unfortunately the preconfigured MYCHESS.COM uses already very different ESC sequences to show block graphics I guess, see below.
Starting screen:

Game play screen if MYCHESS.COM is started on MyZ80:

Game play screen if MYCHESSN.COM is started on MyZ80:

Game play screen if MYCHESS.COM is started on VirtualKaypro (emulating a Kaypro 4):

Btw.: Using VirtualKaypro (Java based) is a pain. You have to know that it runs only with country setting "English (USA)", not with a german setting, because the class function for converting the time to a string presumes
only US date/time format.
Also, you can't use a directory name containing blanks.
And finally, preloading a "blank" virtual floppy disk with files using the java program archive "format.jar" is also chaotic, because there is no description for the parameters you have to use. The "raw" format is NOT a real binary sector-by-sector raw format, instead, it presumes to have a header, too.
Related link points to a ZIP file with all CP/M files of MYCHESS 2.3b.