The first generation of Macintosh computers
.... Mac, Mac Plus, Mac II, SE, Classic, LC, Quadra,
..... Color Classic, Centris (a.s.o.)
..... powered by Motorola 68000 to 68040 CPUs
1984 was the year of the first Apple Macintosh. It was developed to beat the whole market of the 'stone age' PCs - not really from scratch, because the Apple Lisa with a 68000 CPU and Finder 1.0 was already there, but really revolutionary in design and also in terms of being far more user friendly than all PCs of that era.
This 68k era ended in 1994 with the Power Macintosh 6x00/7x00 series.

For hardware history, click on "Mac 68k Hardware",
if you're curios about early Macintosh software, click on "Mac 68k Software".
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