Notebook floppy disk drive repair - an impossible mission...
Saturday, September 7, 2013, 12:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
I own an old but beautiful Intel 486 based notebook, a Siemens PCD-4ND with a build-in floppy drive (a Citizen W1D). This drive is removable.

Unfortunately the floppy drive is not working reliable enough anymore.
So I had the idea to repair it, and I had to open it:

You have to remove the plasic case (fixed with 2 screws), then a metal sheet (fixed with 4 very small screws)...

... and you can recognize now a missing tension for the belt:

To get the belt out of the drive, you have to lift the motor also (2 screws).
The dimensions of the belt are: 220mm circumference (110mm x2, as shown in the picture below, that means a diameter of 70mm), 1mm width and far less then 1mm thickness.

As you can see, I marked a red dot in the third picture, may be I can place there a small bumper to increase the tension of the (old) belt.
I have NO IDEA where to get such a belt. Seems to be very difficult.
If someone has an idea where to get such a plastic belt, let me know, thanks in advance.
Others already looked for some and had no success (see related link)...