New toy: Texas Instruments LED/VFD Display Calculators (1972 - 1980)
Sunday, October 27, 2013, 05:14 PM
Posted by Administrator
Do you remember the time a scientific calculator was (very) expensive ?
I am not really a collector of these vintage calculators, but some are very interesting and also unique. The first mass production LED display based calculator was the Texas Instruments Datamath 2500, and luckily I own also one (which I bought at Ebay a few years ago, still not too expensive).
Later, many real famous models (also from HP) were sold, e.g. the TI-57, TI-58C and the Rolls Royce of these all, the TI-59 with magnetic stripe reader.
In the next time, I will introduce some here, starting with the TI-45, which was not too common also because it has a green VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display),

This one has basically a set of common scientific functions, but can't be programmed.
The calculator case is comparable to the cases of the TI-57/58/59 series.
For me, it's a very beautiful one (due to the green display).
Unfortunately most of the time you buy nowadays such a vintage calculator, the battery pack is destroyed by battery acid (from the NiCD cells).
For these who are looking for a replacement, take a look >
A real interesting page is also ><.